Giammalva Prep is one of the best Hybrid Schools in Houston built for talented students looking for the support they need to pursue their passions while achieving academic success.
Giammalva Prep opened its doors in 2021 and is located in Houston, Texas, and hosts grades 8th - 12th. We are a hybrid facility designed to be flexible to accommodate athletes and artists. We believe in having individualized attention for each student, so we try to keep the student-to-teacher ratio to 10:1. We have partnered with AESA Prep Academy’s online program due to their excellent educational program. In addition to the online program, Giammalva has two in-person teachers who will help facilitate and monitor the students on their journey to success.
We are dedicated to leading students to success through a well-rounded education that fosters resilience, and intellectual, and physical growth. Our international backgrounds create compassionate global citizens.
Empowering students to excel academically and pursue their passions through individualized attention and a flexible, supportive learning environment.
13 Boys: 5 Girls
18 students total
Countries Represented
AESA Offer Grades
Meet Our Students
Meet Mia! She is one of our newest students this 2024-2025 school year. She currently resides in Houston, Texas and trains at our tennis academy.
Meet Ricardo! He is one of our international students from Mexico who has come to Giammalva Prep to study and train.
Meet Julian! He is one of our Soccer Academy students from Costa Rica. He trains at the MAFC Soccer Academy in Klein all while attending Giammalva Prep.